Friday, February 6, 2015


I just wanted to give you all an update on our Living Life On Purpose 2015 Journey.

We are in fundraising full throttle! We are raising money like crazy people, (at least I feel like I am going crazy!) I am constantly trying to come up with new ideas for the blog, Etsy and basically anything I can do to help raise these funds.  It feels awesome and very scary all at the same time!

I want to thank you - each and every one of you- who has clicked that donate button. Every bit counts, 1 dollar or 100 dollars... big or small, it all adds up and it is making this journey a reality. You have heard my heart and you are sharing the love and you are inspiring me to keep on going.

Just think... even a little nobody Canadian girl can do something so wildly out of her comfort zone because I have your support, not just financially, but emotionally. I appreciate all of your kind words, and you sharing your stories. You are making this a reality. I cannot thank you enough. 

Our main sources of raising money are, selling my art work (family portraits + paintings), creating and selling Journal Cards, Illustrations and Prints on Etsy. That along with all donations that have come in via the blog, we have raised just under half of what we need.

With that half, we have bought our tickets. We will be working at a Children's Village in Uganda for what accidentally turned out to be 5 weeks, instead of 4...ooops ? or YAY! Either way, it is what it is.  We leave our cozy little home and head off to the great unknown on the 27th of September and we will be back on November 3rd. I am freaking out. I am excited, and I am scared, and nervous and well, freaking out.

Please connect with me, share your stories, let me hear your heart. You hear mine every day. I love to hear from you. Your encouragement is undoubtedly one of the highest honours you can give me and I thank you for that.

Please Pray for us as we continue to work our butts off, creating revenue and income to help in this journey and we'd like to leave the orphanage a financial gift to continue to help in paying for the children's education, healthcare, and love care. It takes a village to raise a child... and it takes a BIG village to raise an orphan... we are that village.

I cannot say thank you enough, you have grown my heart so big it is popping out of my chest. I am so honoured by each and every one of you. YOU ARE WONDERFUL !

Share the love,
Missie + Duy

LostBumblebee ©2015 YOU ARE WONDERFUL | Free Printable | Personal Use Only.
LostBumblebee ©2015 YOU ARE WONDERFUL | Free Printable | Personal Use Only.
LostBumblebee ©2015 YOU ARE WONDERFUL | Free Printable | Personal Use Only.


  1. Good luck there! You will certainly need all the moral and financial support that you can get. At least, you're easening the burden for yourselves with some really fancy products and a very welcoming site. People will certainly wait for you, guys. Thanks for sharing that! All the best!

    Jared Holmes @ All Web, LLC

  2. Jared,
    Thank you for sharing that with me!- it's definitely out of our comfort zone and out of our little box...
    I really appreciate the support!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful work. I am loving Project Life at the moment and these beautiful images make my creations so much nicer. I want to leave a legacy of our family life for my children - unfortunately I have cancer so I'm not going to be around as long as I thought so I'm all about making and saving memories. I have a Silhouette machine so your images make is easy for me to cut amazing cards for my Project Life album. Thanks again for sharing :-)

    1. Suzette,
      Thank you for taking the time to share this, I'm so honouredI can be part of the legacy and memories you are leaving your family <3
      thought and prayers are with you and your family!
