Monday, February 9, 2015

My Happimess.

Welcome to my Happimess... NESS, Happiness, I meant happiness. Um, ya-  that's what I meant. If you could see my studio/office you would totally understand :)  (scroll down to see a sneak peek)

My life is full of happimess. I know I ought to coin this word. Life is messy. Very very messy. No matter how hard we work to keep it running smoothly it gets messy. Relationships are messy, children are messy. Not having children is messy. My eating habits (I blame it on not having children- I eat in my favourite chair, I eat watching tv, I eat standing in the kitchen, I eat at my desk) my eating habits are messy.  My work habits, my cleaning habits, my friendships, my goals. Pretty much everything is one big Happy Mess. And that suits me just fine.

Do I wish I had it all together? Yup.
Will I ever have it all together? Nope.
Is that ok? Yupers.

The question is, what will I do about my happimess? Will I try to hide it? Or will I share it. I choose to share it. I want you to know that life is messy. In the world we live in today, where photoshop and instagram (don't get me wrong, I love love love instagram, and the instagram filters- they make my skin look flawless... you can find me using LostBumblebee- but I digress) Nothing is as it seems.  Do I love that? No. Can I deal with it? Yes. Because I know everyone is running their own race. I know that what I choose to share is exactly that- what I've chosen to share.  So don't believe all you see... don't believe that everyone has it all together except you... they don't... trust me :)

I hope you are ok that I share my messy life...
Share the mess. We're in this thing together!
Share the love,

LostBumblebee ©2015 HappiMESS | FREE PRINTABLE | Personal use Only.
LostBumblebee ©2015 HappiMESS | FREE PRINTABLE | Personal use Only.
LostBumblebee ©2015 HappiMESS | FREE PRINTABLE | Personal use Only.
LostBumblebee ©2015 HappiMESS 2 | FREE PRINTABLE | Personal Use Only.
LostBumblebee ©2015 HappiMESS 2 | FREE PRINTABLE | Personal Use Only.
LostBumblebee ©2015 HappiMESS 2 | FREE PRINTABLE | Personal Use Only.

LostBumblebee ©2015 Our Very OWN HAPPIMESS -
Timothy The Dog + I share a studio :) 


  1. I live in a happiness and beautiful chaos. I would not change a thing about it!

    1. hahaha :) I like that! Embrace the chaos <3

    2. It autocorrected happimess!! It is my new favorite word! So glad I found your blog!

  2. I live in a happiness and beautiful chaos. I would not change a thing about it!

  3. Happymess is so my new favourite word. And how I live my life lol

  4. I came across this today almost 10years later but feels like perfect timing. The authenticity reeled me in❤
