About Me :)

Welcome to the Wonderful World of LostBumblebee!

If you are looking for amazing free printables you are in the right place! Seriously, who doesn't love something free- especially if it rocks?!

Chilling with my favourite scarf, in my favourite chair, with
Favourite drink :) 
Some people ask my why I create free graphics, why don't I charge for them? You know, I have a graphic design company (LostBumblebee Graphics), I make logos, and posters, and hand lettered works of art and charge for all of it, but this place, my blog- this is my creative outlet. I just want to make the world a prettier place one print at a time... And being I have no wall space left in my house, I am sharing them with you!

If you'd like a glimpse into my personal life, how this blog came about, keep reading. If you'd like a short mini version- check this print out, I think it says a lot :) 

If you are more curious than that grab a cup of coffee and chill with me for a little while...and get to know me a little.

Many of you don't know my personal story (if you are visual, you can check it out in an info graphic here), actually it's probably safe to say, that most people don't know my story.  It's not that different than some of yours -I'm sure. But, then again, maybe it is.

I'm going to jump right in, why beat around the bush, there is a specific reason why this blog became what it is, and here is that story:

We deal with fertility issues. I will not say we are infertile, because that isn't true. We are fertile. We just have fertility issues (!)  

Me with 'Timothy the Dog'. My co-creator and best buddy!
The hubby and I have been through 4 rounds of IVF (you can read about IVF here and ICSI here we did ICSI- 4 times. yup. 4.) Going through life changing and life altering experiences can be hard on a girl. It wasn't easy. After our 4th failed attempt I sunk pretty low. I was was forced to re-evaluate my life. My Purpose. What am I going to do now?

You know sometimes you get depressed and or frustrated about a situation in your life (you don't like your job, your community, your lifestyle) well you change the situation.  You do something different. It is in your power to make a change. Get a different job, move to a new community, change your lifestyle. You can make changes that will change the current situation. There are answers-  BUT when dealing with fertility [having done everything possible there is to do (yup, everything)]. There is no changing that. There is nothing you can do, except;  pray, believe, hope and wait. I've done so much praying it is ridiculous. So much waiting, hoping and believing that I am sure some people think I am just a nut when I continue to say, "when we have kids".

So what do you do when your entire life is turned upside down, not as a result of a decision you've made, but as a result of ... there is no word to put in here, there is no answer, there is nothing. You are just left holding a bag of nothing. NOTHING. No answer, no solution, no reason. Nothing. What do you do? Well I got a little depressed, ate a little too much chocolate (as if there is any such thing), gained a little weight, drank a little beer. I cried a lot. I prayed a lot, I tried to bargain with God, I tried not to hate myself, not to hate my husband and not to hate my life. But as hard as I tried, I just kept getting more sad.

After settling at what I like to call rock bottom, a place I couldn't see anyway out of. A miracle happened (yup I used the word miracle). I don't know if you believe in miracles or not. But I do. I do because this was a miracle. period. 

Super simple morning routine, nothing different was going on.  Jumped in the shower, as soon as I got in, the light turned on in my life. I had clarity. I knew what my purpose was. I had always known that I was born to create- I needed to start creating.  If I were to describe this as a picture, I would say I drove into a carwash in a black car and came out in a white car. Serious, black and white.  Try to convince me this wasn't a miracle, you'll go blue in the face ;)

You see when you grow up believing that your purpose is to be a mom. When that is taken away from you? Where do you go? how do you reformulate something that was so ingrained in my heart, in my being. Something I had hoped, dreamed and wished for all of my life. Well I'm not sure I could on my own. Hence my Miracle.

My heart changed. I realized  I was so blessed. I am so blessed. My attitude changed in a moment of time. It became so full of gratitude and appreciation for my life and for my world (and if you are reading this, you are part of my world). I began to cultivate that attitude. To nurture it. To live it.

My backyard one of my favourite places on earth.
I started a blog, because I was going to be brave and get out there with some of my creative stuff, I was going to show the world. I started writing about creativity. I started writing about design. I was horrible. seriously. I've left the old posts up so that I can see what I thought I was suppose to do, versus what I am suppose to do.

January 2013 I started sharing my printables. I would post a free graphic every once in a while-  I just kept posting. One foot in front of the other, It was making me happy.  Just knowing my work was out there for people to see and download if they wanted too. In August I had what I like to call THE BIG WEEK! (click to read about it) and I set a goal to post a new graphic every day for 7 days. Well that has been ongoing every since. I don't strive to post a new graphic daily, it just happens. I start working and it is born. And because I am no longer willing to keep stuff lying around on my computer incase one day I "may" be able to sell it- I post it!

So I guess there you have it. There is a tiny glimpse of why I do what I do... I am a creative being. I believe I was created to create! To make things, I am happiest making things. I am happy doing stuff with my hands- and I have a found a great source of Joy in sharing and giving!

My hope for you is that you find your passion and your purpose. I believe everyone's purpose on this earth is to love. So start with that. Start loving. Open your heart, and your passion will pursue you...

Share the love,
again with the coffee :)

Oh yes, and one last thing- I LOVE COFFEE :) as you can probably tell from this post; and this one, and maybe even this one! Not convinced? just click the coffee link above :)


  1. Thank you very much for your generosity, you are spreading love! I am printing some of your creations for my beach appartment. You are a very special person!!

    1. Magdalena, thank you for taking the time to leave me this message :)
      I really appreciate it!

  2. Oh my goodness... You are GOD! I'm creating a coffee bar in my newly renovated kitchen and you've given me a WONDERFUL GIFT... Free printables!? I can't even. Thank you SO much, I'll be sure to spread the love... I will absolutely be back!

    1. Oooooh a coffee bar... I need one of those... along with a bar, bar ;) Glad you've found somethings you like! If you like my page on Facebook ( post a picture up there when you've finished, I'd love to see it!

      Happy Coffee Making and DRINKING!

    2. I'm back... Already... Scrolling through your archives to see if there's anything I've missed! Really, I love your work and I've already done some framing. I'll absolutely post a picture (or ten) of the finished product! (Best to check back on my blog,

      Aside from the printables I should also mention I love your story and the fact that you're brave enough to share it with the world. I'll continue to follow. :)

    3. Thanks Rachel :) I guess I feel that if I keep it to myself it won't help anyone else who may be going through what we've gone through... it's much easier on the other side looking back over the hard hard hard times... not to say i don't still have my days, cause I do. I just hope someone else will find hope and peace in their own journey- through my story... Thanks for being to incredibly supportive! <3

  3. Can I suggest a print just cause your stuff is fun and I'd like to see it on my kitchen wall? "eat like no one's watching. or dance. whatever."

    1. HAHAHAHAHA- YES, this is hilarious! I just about spewed my water outta my nose when I read this.. because, yup, it's true sometimes :)

  4. Will keep you in prayers ; God has a timing for everything. I also know what it is to have fertility issues but God had to showed me to wait on him.

    1. Yes He does :) and we are so blessed! Thank you for taking the time to read my story and leave an encouraging note, I really appreciate it <3

  5. Hi Melissa, I am Lia, writing to you from Melbourne Australia. You really touched my heart today! I also believe that kindness and love needs to be spread around as think as possible. I believe every women is a mother Melissa. Giving birth is not what makes you a mother...and I believe you are a mother (a giver of unconditional love) to MANY! Hopefully YOUR baby will come soon to. It was God's gift to me to find you... I asked...and I found this have no idea!!! Can I contact you personally, I really would love to explain why I believe you and your amazing work came my way. I hope and believe you are the one I am supposed to work with on a professional note. I know i'm sounding like a raving lunatic ...but I am just so excited. Hopefully I hear from you soon. Until then keep being you xxx Lia

    1. Hi Lia! Wow, thank you :) This makes my heart so happy!
      you can contact me at lost (at) - if you look over to the right side, there ought to be a contact me button, you can definitely use that if you'd like!
      I look forward to hearing more!

    2. (my autocorrect is still auto correcting LostBumblebee :)

  6. Thank you for trusting us out here with your precious personal story. I know there are women desperately in need of hearing they're not alone. I sure needed it during our 8 year struggle to have a baby. Many hopes, prayers and an IVF later, our miracle boy was born. He's now 15 1/2 yrs old and we are grateful every day. Oh, how I wondered why we had to wait so long for him, but I know now that it was because the process taught us not to take a minute for granted. I never stopped believing. And, I'm happy to hear that neither have you!

    1. <3 It took a long time before I could share, because I stopped feeling like a failure- Thanks for writing this <3 I know we are on a journey, and it is true- when and if we are ever blessed with Children, and even if we are not, we try very hard to savour every moment and to be grateful in it! <3
