Friday, August 7, 2015

Shout Out!

I just want to take a minute and thank all of the bloggers who have shared, promoted and blogged about my work. I am so honoured that they choose to promote my art. If you haven't taken a look at my FEATURED ON! Page, please take a peek. There is an enormous list of blogs, webpages etc. that have featured my work.

I specifically want to thank a few today who have continually shown me love and support. I want you guys to wander over to their sites and check them out!

MeInLilaPark is a blog full of free patterns and printable created by Sandra. Sandra has been so encouraging as I started out blogging and creating, she is an inspiration to me about generosity and giving!

Little Gold Pixel is a blog full of design, freebies, parenting stuff, photography, music- basically it is chocked full of inspiration and fun that is the life of Vanessa. Vanessa is a LosAngeles based designer and writer, who ran across my work somewhere on the inter-web  and has been a continual inspiration and encouragement to me!

Hello Bee! is a community about trying to conceive, pregnancy, parenthood.  The blogs are written by real moms and moms to be, you can get great advice about everything and anything relating to parenting. Plus they have generously shared and promoted many of my prints that are for children and babies!

Fab'n FREE! is a blog full of free goodies, all rounded up by Carolynn, she rounds up random freebies plus loads of stuff she creates herself! It is a fountain of freebie awesomeness!

Just Busy With Life  a blog about life, kids, and everything in between that makes up a full and beautiful life!

Zen Shmen! a blog about home decor, living life, DIY and so much more!

As I work on my fundraising event for tomorrow, I am reminded of this over and over again -"No one has ever become poor by giving"- Anne Frank.

Throughout our fundraising (it's been over 365 days!) I really felt that we needed to stop and ask what the Orphanage needed- Even though our personal fundraising is not finished yet, we still have a ways to go- but I really felt we needed to look outside of ourselves and give. The Orphanage said they needed a diesel generator and a water pump, it will cost $2000- I immediately said yes, we will do that.

Then fear crept in, what have I done? We don't even have our finances full yet, oh no, am I going to have to put this on my credit card, shoot, how is this going to work?

Fear immobilizes, it steal, it freaks people out and it can paralyze you! Did I sit in fear for a little while, YES. Am I still freaked out, ya, a little, but do I know that it is possible? YES, do I believe that we will raise this $2000 YES. AM I PUMPED about our Fundraiser tomorrow night? YES. Do I have peace that all will work out. Yes, you want to know why? Because I am not in control. I am not the end all and be all- I am merely a vessel by which is funds will flow to those in need.

Duy and I are very excited, and at times totally overwhelmed and freaked out. But is God in Control? Yes.

So today I wanted to share about a few of the people who have shared my work. Did they know they were exposing hundreds if not thousands of people to this crazy Living Life On Purpose Uganda 2015 Journey we are on, probably not, but am I grateful for them, YES!

So take a minute and go to their blogs, show them the love that they have shown me, and then print off this print and remind yourself, that it is better to give than to receive... and you will never be able to out-give the blessings and promises that you have in and over your life!

Share the love,

LostBumblebee ©2015 MDBN : GIVING ANNE FRANK : Free Donate to download Printable :: Personal Use Only.
LostBumblebee ©2015 MDBN
LostBumblebee ©2015 MDBN : GIVING ANNE FRANK : Free Donate to download Printable :: Personal Use Only.
LostBumblebee ©2015 MDBN
LostBumblebee ©2015 MDBN : GIVING ANNE FRANK : Free Donate to download Printable :: Personal Use Only.
LostBumblebee ©2015 MDBN

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