Monday, April 27, 2015

Grown Up Colouring : Peacock

It's Monday, it's grey outside, it's tax time and I am overwhelmed :) I love owning my own business, but the business end of owning a business is well business-y, and I am in no way a business person. I just want to make pretty things :)  I need an agent/manager who takes care of everything business and just let's me make pretty things!

But amidst all the crazy stuff-  I did take the time, because I was procrastinating from doing my taxes (shh. don't tell my accountant) to create this beautiful Peacock.  When things are at their craziest, I find myself running to my art board, it feels like procrastination, but if I break it down, it is actually rejuvenation. I can do so much more in life, when I take time to create.

How do you rejuvenate? How to you make sure you don't get and stay overwhelmed?

Reminder, all graphics are free to download, but I am asking you to donate $1 per download to support the orphanage that we will be volunteering in  from September 27-November 3, 2015. Help us in this  Living Life ON Purpose Journey 2015.  You can do that -> using the donate button!

Share the love,

LostBumblebee ©2015 MDBN All "LostBumblebee Grown Up Colouring Pages" are designed, sketched/ drawn, inked and vectorized by Melissa Dawn Baker-Nguyen and all have the LostBumblebee Logo on them. 

LostBumblebee ©2015 MDBN :: Grown Up Colouring / coloring Peacock :: Free - DONATE TO DOWNLOAD - PRINTABLE : : PERSONAL USE ONLY.

LostBumblebee ©2015 MDBN :: Grown Up Colouring / coloring Peacock :: Free - DONATE TO DOWNLOAD - PRINTABLE : : PERSONAL USE ONLY.
all starts with a sketch.
LostBumblebee ©2015 MDBN :: Grown Up Colouring / coloring Peacock :: Free - DONATE TO DOWNLOAD - PRINTABLE : : PERSONAL USE ONLY.
Now to Refine and Ink it.
LostBumblebee ©2015 MDBN :: Grown Up Colouring / coloring Peacock :: Free - DONATE TO DOWNLOAD - PRINTABLE : : PERSONAL USE ONLY.
What I'm using right now to colour-
loving both sets!
LostBumblebee ©2015 MDBN :: Grown Up Colouring / coloring Peacock :: Free - DONATE TO DOWNLOAD - PRINTABLE : : PERSONAL USE ONLY.
Choose Your Colours and let the
magic begin!
LostBumblebee ©2015 MDBN :: Grown Up Colouring / coloring Peacock :: Free - DONATE TO DOWNLOAD - PRINTABLE : : PERSONAL USE ONLY.
My Finished Product :) Can't wait to see yours-
upload it to Instagram and Tag @LostBumblebee in it!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Terri! I Think it might be mine too...
      although I love love love my Elephant :)

  2. I love this page! I can't figure out how to print it, though. Everything I try ends up with printing the entire web page. How do I isolate and print just the coloring page? Thank you!!

    1. Hi Katie! Thank you!
      What you''ll need to do is click on the image, if you are using a mac, you can drag it to your desk top to save it. If you are using a pc, once you click on the image, right click your mouse and you ought to have a download option, you can download it and then print if from there :) Hope this helps!

