Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Grown Up Colouring- Giraffes

I'm thinking of taking all of my designs and turning them into a colouring book. It would be a complete labour of love, because I don't know if I have the time to figure this out at the moment- I guess it would be the passion project that happens early in the morning, and in the wee hours of night, when I ought to be sleeping.

What are your thoughts about me creating a colouring book?

In the mean time, I hope you are finding peace and rest while colouring these pages. That is my hope and prayer for you <3

Share the love,

Note: If these seem overwhelming, feel like they will never be done? Consider this : I consider my personal grown up colouring sheets like a puzzle. I colour all of the pages that I create, I don't necessarily sit and complete an entire image at one time, I do it in stages - take this one for instance... I have only coloured in a few of the top leaves... so don't be overwhelmed.... take your time, all the time you need... relax... enjoy... breathe.  M.

LostBumblebee ©2015 MDBN : Grown Up Colouring Sheets : Free - DONATE TO DOWNLOAD - Printables : Personal use Only.


  1. Who doesn't love giraffes?! This is just gorgeous. I'll be downloading this one for sure (and happily giving $1). I haven't started coloring either of the ones I've already printed and I think this will be the one I do first when I have time. Since I'm a teacher, I can tell myself I'll do it "later" and actually get that free time later, during summer break. I'm already thinking on what colors to use . . . I'd like a golden yellowish-light orange to be the main color(s) so it looks giraffe-color but I'm wondering what I can add to make it vibrant but not overwhelm the yellow tones. Maybe you could post pics of the progress you make coloring your print, no matter what colors you choose? And you could include other prints you're either in the process of finishing or that you've completed. I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd be interested. Anyway, I've always liked coloring and find it relaxing. To anyone else reading this, don't push yourself to finish--just do it when you feel like it. You'll be happier with your results. I'm going to frame this one for my grandsons' room when I finally do complete it, but I'm not in a hurry. :-)

    1. I'm in the middle of colouring mine :) when I get it a little more completed I'll post a picture :)
