Thursday, March 5, 2015

Grown Up Colouring Sheets

I can't get enough of these colouring pages. I just keep creating them and colouring them in, I. am. addi

cted. In order to feed my own addiction, and hopefully your new passion pastime,  I am compiling a nice big list. I would love to have 1 day for an entire year. How incredible would that be to start each day creatively and meditating on an encouraging word?

But I need your help, because my vocabulary is limited to well, English, and I know lots of my friends and followers on the blog are French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Swedish (just to name a few :)

Let's compile a list of amazingly inspirational words that will keep us colouring, and concentrating on the good in life for a long time!

Share the love,

>> For MORE Grown Up Colouring Sheets Click here <<

Even MORE here :) 

LostBumblebee ©2015 MDBN GROWN-UP COLOURING PAGES free -donate to download- printables - PERSONAL USE ONLY.
LostBumblebee ©2015 MDBN GROWN-UP COLOURING PAGES free -donate to download- printables - PERSONAL USE ONLY.
LostBumblebee ©2015 MDBN GROWN-UP COLOURING PAGES free -donate to download- printables - PERSONAL USE ONLY.
LostBumblebee ©2015 MDBN GROWN-UP COLOURING PAGES free -donate to download- printables - PERSONAL USE ONLY.

My version of Chosen :) 


  1. I love your page!! I too love coloring and have forever! I used to bring color pages to the mental hospital I worked in for the patients to color and they LOVED it too!! You are never too old to color, paint or play with chalk. Keep posting and I will keep following. A few suggestions for words...happy, fun, outstanding life, youth, sunshine, awesomeness, excitement...just a few for you to mull over.

    1. Oh thank you ! Your comment just MADE MY DAY!

      I am going to continue adding to the collection, I didn't know people liked to colour as much as they do :) I'm so happy I started these. First of all, because I am passionate about them, but I love to see other's get on board! It's awesome!

      Thanks for the encouragement :)
