Monday, November 17, 2014

Merry Thanksgiving & Happy Christmas!

I figured that my American friends need a print that says it all this holiday season :) So along came this little ditty... "Merry Thanksgiving and Happy Christmas!"

Up here in Canada we start decorating for and getting ready for Christmas around the middle of November... once Remembrance Day celebrations are celebrated, we move into the Christmas season quite nicely.

I've been reading a few things online from some of my friends "for those of my fiends who have their christmas trees up already - there is still 10 days until Thanksgiving!!! Give it a rest".

I just assumed that thanksgiving was the perfect time to put the tree up! but what do I know- lol 

So this one is specifically for my friends south of the border- who have the job of juggling Thanksgiving and Christmas in a fine balance of holiday cheer and tinsel :)

Merry Thanksgiving & Happy Christmas!

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LostBumblebee ©2014 Merry Thanksgiving and Happy Christmas Free Printable Personal Use Only
LostBumblebee ©2014 Merry Thanksgiving and Happy Christmas Free Printable Personal Use Only

LostBumblebee ©2014 Merry Thanksgiving and Happy Christmas Free Printable Personal Use Only

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