Thursday, October 23, 2014

Eat, Drink & Be Thankful!

It's that time of year, October in Canada, where the trees are all turning yellow and red and we get to celebrate thanksgiving. We celebrate it,  a month (plus some) earlier than our friends in the US, and I secretly love it! Canadians get to celebrate in October and then, because the world is so small- thanks to the internet,  we get to continue celebrating until the end of November!

I love that in my life there are almost two months carved out for being grateful, reflective, and thankful.  And that we get to celebrate this act of gratitude.

Yesterday was a terrible day in Canada. One of our own, Cpl. Nathan Cirillo (age 24) was shot while on honorary guard at the National War Memorial. It's a sad day in Canada, we are all rocked to the core with this horrible news... in this time of horror, it is hard to look into our hearts and choose gratitude instead of fear, retaliation, and hatred.  But we must, we must. Hatred breeds hatred... Love breeds gratitude and gratitude breeds love. I am so grateful to those men and women who put their lives on the line daily for our country and for other countries (maybe our Peace Keepers have even put their lives on the line for your country). I am grateful for the men and women who are first responders in emergency situations -who put their lives on the line for us every day. I am grateful for the people who stand for us and with us in times like these.  I pray peace over our Nation and over your Nation... 

In all things, give thanks... even in times like these...
Share the love,

LostBumblebee ©2014 Eat, Drink and be Thankful- Free Printable - Personal Use Only.
LostBumblebee ©2014 Eat, Drink and be Thankful- Free Printable - Personal Use Only.

LostBumblebee ©2014 Eat, Drink and be Thankful- Free Printable - Personal Use Only.

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