Monday, September 22, 2014

It's Fall Y'all!

Apparently it's fall :) I have yet to feel that fresh crisp air and the crunchy leaves under my feet, but I know when I get home I will be greeted with my favourite season of the year... Fall. Autumn. Love.

Until then, I am hunkered down weathering out Tropical Storm Fung-Wong... affectionately known as Mario to the rest of the world.  So far Fung-Wong has graced us with some wind and rain... which means I'll spend my day inside, most likely worrying about the hubby at work, and creating pretty things! (Praying for more creating -than worrying- "who of you, by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"  Matthew 6:22 )

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Don't forget to check out some of last year's fall posts: Every Leaf, Gratitude, It's Fall Y'all 2013, and Stuff It! 

LostBumblebee ©2014- MDBN-  It's Fall Y'all Free Printable - Handlettered- Personal Use Only.
LostBumblebee ©2014- MDBN-  It's Fall Y'all Free Printable - Handlettered- Personal Use Only.
LostBumblebee ©2014- MDBN-  It's Fall Y'all Free Printable - Handlettered- Personal Use Only.

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