Thursday, August 28, 2014

Messy Missie.

I just looked around my house, and this is all I can say...
"creativity is messy, and I am *very* creative"

In all seriousness though, I've always kept my house tidy, but this year, my creative year, it has really gotten away from me. I need someone -anyone- to help me... I have so much stuff! I know I need to get rid of some of it... but when I look around my home I love to be inspired by beautiful things that I love,  that make me laugh or that bring back memories. I think I can give myself a pass on those things... but let's talk about the fact that I have not unpacked from my previous trip and I ought to be packing for my next trip. The next trip means serious packing, long haul, not just blasé packing. Oy! Get it together Messy Missie!

Oh well! for the moment I'm ignoring the mess and enjoying my coffee!
Happy Thursday!

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