Friday, August 22, 2014

Good Morning!

I'm away from home... again :)  this is becoming a habit of mine!

I've been thinking about this year, it seems we've been all over the place, and we will be until the end of the year, and then 2015 holds a whole new bag of tricks! New places, new people, AFRICA  (I'm so excited about this!) and more than I could even imagine I'm sure...

This year, I've learned that all things are possible, if you can dream them, think of them and believe for them... nothing is impossible. Everything is possible!

Can you just make it appear? No
Do you need to work for it? Yes.
Makes plans? Yes.
Work the plan? Yes.
Take baby steps and just keep going? Yes.
Is it even possible? YES!

I made this little reminder: whatever you can think of,  believe for and work towards is possible! 

Remember you can do anything you set your mind and heart to!
Share the love,

I'm taking a poll- what size do you download? I'm wondering if 4x6 is even necessary- Please let me know, leave a comment below!

LostBumblebee ©2014 All Things Are Possible! - Free Printable- Personal Use Only.
LostBumblebee ©2014 All Things Are Possible! - Free Printable- Personal Use Only.

LostBumblebee ©2014 All Things Are Possible! - Free Printable- Personal Use Only.

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