Thursday, July 3, 2014

Find Joy.

Sometimes it is the simple things in life that bring joy. Today I am going to try not to let those simple pleasures pass me by. Instead I will notices them and acknowledge the peace and joy and they bring.

Finding Joy in the simple stuff, ought to be simple right? we shall see... life gets in the way of truly living sometimes- but don't listen to the voice in your head that says- shouldn't there be more? am I doing enough...

YES, you are doing enough, because YOU ARE ENOUGH!

Today choose to find Joy... in everything, loading the dishwasher, taking out the trash, cleaning up after supper, loving your kids, changing a diaper, listening to the birds...

Share the love,

of course, my joy started this morning with coffee :)
LostBumblebee ©2014 Find Joy Free Printable Personal Use Only
LostBumblebee ©2014 Find Joy Free Printable Personal Use Only

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  1. Hello there! You have such a sunny outlook in life. That is definitely a good thing. Yes, we should embrace and take comfort in life's simple pleasures. Just because those pleasures are simple, doesn't mean they are small. We can give all our best in our most menial tasks, such as waste disposal, and do so in ways that are not only proper, but also improve the other areas in our lives. Kudos!

    Aaron Walters @ Green Clean Water and Waste

    1. Thanks Aaron :) I try! Not always easy lol.

      I read your blog on what happens to certain hazardous products when disposed of- thanks so much for writing that, I always wondered about fluorescent lamps. AND I'm pretty impressed that they recycle motor oil! Very cool!

      Cheers! Hope your day is AH-ma-zing! even if it is just finding joy in the little things ;)
