Monday, June 9, 2014

In This Home... By Sarah Magill

This quote is on a beautiful peg board that my mom gave me- it sits in a place of honour in our home. I read it a lot. I try to live by it... the loud part, I have no problem with, the grace part is another story.

I wanted to share it with you. It was originally written by Sarah Magill for Hallmark- you can follow her on pinterest here. She is a talented and inspired woman- be inspired.

Share the love,

LostBumblebee ©2014 Sarah Magill Quote: In this Home- Free printable. Personal use only.
LostBumblebee ©2014 Sarah Magill Quote: In this Home- Free printable. Personal use only.

LostBumblebee ©2014 Sarah Magill Quote: In this Home- Free printable. Personal use only.

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