Monday, June 30, 2014

Oh Canada. I love you!

LostBumblebee ©2014 Oh Canada I love you- Free Facebook Cover Image- personal use only

Happy Canada Day!

Have you ever read our national anthem? 
Here are the words. I love it in French and I love it in English, I love it bilingual. I just love it!

Share the love,

I know, I know, it's tomorrow, but I wanted to make sure you have the chance to download this Facebook cover image and upload it to your Facebook page :) For another awesome >> Canada Print- Click here <<

Lyrics O Canada (English version)

O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
  O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

Lyrics O Canada (French version)

« O Canada! Terre de nos aïeux,
Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux!
Car ton bras sait porter l'épée,
Il sait porter la croix!
Ton histoire est une épopée
Des plus brillants exploits.
Et ta valeur, de foi trempée,
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits. »

Lyrics O Canada (Bilingual version - non official)

O Canada! Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command,
Car ton bras sait porter l'épée,
Il sait porter la croix!
Ton histoire est une épopée
Des plus brillants exploits,
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

Sew Be It!

Sew Be it! You asked for it and I will deliver!

I had a few requests to make these into Facebook cover images and also into background images for your iPads.

Happy Monday!

Original Post with Free Printables can be found here: So You Like to Sew?!

Share the love,

Please note, these are 72dpi, web quality, NOT FOR PRINT. For print quality please visit : So you Like to Sew?!

Scroll down for iPad backgrounds :)

and don't forget: 

LostBumblebee ©2014 Sew Be It Facebook Cover Images 72 dpi- for WEB-not for print-

LostBumblebee ©2014 Sew Be It Facebook Cover Images 72 dpi- for WEB-not for print-

LostBumblebee ©2014 Sew Be It Facebook Cover Images 72 dpi- for WEB-not for print-

LostBumblebee ©2014 Sew Be It Facebook Cover Images 72 dpi- for WEB-not for print-

LostBumblebee ©2014 Sew Be It Facebook Cover Images 72 dpi- for WEB-not for print-

iPAD backgrounds 

LostBumblebee ©2014 Sew Be It -Ipad - for WEB-not for print-

LostBumblebee ©2014 Sew Be It -Ipad - for WEB-not for print-

LostBumblebee ©2014 Sew Be It -Ipad - for WEB-not for print-

LostBumblebee ©2014 Sew Be It -Ipad - for WEB-not for print-

LostBumblebee ©2014 Sew Be It -Ipad - for WEB-not for print-

Saturday, June 28, 2014

So, You like to Sew?

LostBumblebee ©2014 Sprouting Jube Jube Collection  Web Header- free printables- free for personal use only

Have I got a treat for you. I am a dabbler in the needle and thread life, I see something, decided I'd like it, try to make it, never wear it because it has crooked seams and I am always afraid if I bend over while wearing something I've made that all of my seams will fall open and I will be left bare naked.  (longest run on sentence ever. check.)

I know... I know, this is the same reason I don't ski. I'm scared half to death, I'll fall off of the mountain. Not just the 3 1/2 feet from my butt to the snow, but off of the entire mountain. Like projectile fall off the mountain. Apparently my imagination gets the best of me sometimes, but I digress...

This week,  I had the opportunity to work with Deborah from Sprouting Jube Jube to create a sweet little line of sewing printables. A collection of five free 8x10 printables for you to choose from that will add some fun to your sewing room.

I hope you love the Sprouting Jube Jube Collection we've come up with! If you are a seamstress or a tailor of any sort, you should head on over to Deborah's blog and see the amazing stuff she is working on!

Sew on! and
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LostBumblebee ©2014 Sprouting Jube Jube Collection Free Printables Personal use only
LostBumblebee ©2014 Sprouting Jube Jube Collection Free Printables Personal use only

LostBumblebee ©2014 Sprouting Jube Jube Collection Free Printables Personal use only

LostBumblebee ©2014 Sprouting Jube Jube Collection Free Printables Personal use only

LostBumblebee ©2014 Sprouting Jube Jube Collection Free Printables Personal use only

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

When all else fails...

When all else fails, take a nap. This is good advice for a baby, a child and for ME. Seriously. I love to take naps, and I often do when I am overwhelmed and need peace...

I love crawling into bed, under all of the covers fully clothed. It reminds me of the mandatory Sunday afternoon naps that we had to take on Sundays when I was little.  My Mom didn't want us to get undressed because it was a huge fight to get me dressed again for Sunday night church (yup, twice on Sunday and once on Wednesday).

And to this day, I love to nap, fully clothed, and any which way, I just love to nap.

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If you haven't read about our Living Life on Purpose Africa 2015 Please take a read and if you love free printables please consider giving a donation to help us on our journey! 

LostBumblebee ©2014 When all else fails- Free Printable - Personal Use Only
LostBumblebee ©2014 When all else fails- Free Printable - Personal Use Only

LostBumblebee ©2014 When all else fails- Free Printable - Personal Use Only

LostBumblebee ©2014 When all else fails- Free Printable - Personal Use Only

LostBumblebee ©2014 When all else fails- Free Printable - Personal Use Only

LostBumblebee ©2014 When all else fails- Free Printable - Personal Use Only

Monday, June 23, 2014


I was talking about this recently with a friend... don't just talk the talk, walk the walk... easier said than done. This is a reminder to myself what the fruit of my life should look like... don't just say something, let your life say it.

Happy Monday!
May your life be fruitful!

Share the love,

Scroll down for your free printables :)

FACEBOOK Cover Image (not for print 72 dpi)

LostBumblebee ©2014 Show Me The Fruit- Free Printable- personal use only
LostBumblebee ©2014 Show Me The Fruit- Free Printable- personal use only

LostBumblebee ©2014 Show Me The Fruit- Free Printable- personal use only

Thursday, June 19, 2014

For the Love of Coffee!

Um, YUM. I think coffee is keeping me sane these last couple of days!

I have been totally overwhelmed with the response to our Africa trip planned for 2015.
Not sure if you noticed, but my "Keep Missie Caffeinated" button (over there ->) has been changed to: "Living life on Purpose Africa 2015" All donations will be going to directly to that! Please keep that in mind when you find a print you love.  $1, $2, $3 or $4 and maybe even more- any amount counts so please donate  :) (if you haven't read about this incredible journey- you can read all about it here: It's Time for Africa.)

And in the midst of this whirlwind and all of the craziness that is happening- I couldn't forget about free printables-  and when better than today- being tomorrow is Friday, so TGIF!

Share the love,

LostBumblebee ©2014 For the Love of Coffee Free Printable Personal Use Only
LostBumblebee ©2014 For the Love of Coffee Free Printable Personal Use Only

LostBumblebee ©2014 For the Love of Coffee Free Printable Personal Use Only

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

It's time for Africa.

Africa. I write it, I cry. I say it, I cry. I tell people my heart is for Africa and they look at me like I'm crazy as tears roll down my face. This year coming; 2015, we will be going to Africa to fulfill a dream. To meet the people who have my heart...

As you know, we do not have any children of our own... it hasn't happened yet (not for lack of trying, medically, naturally,  everything you can think of, we've done), and so we wait and pray, and believe for our miracle.

In this time of waiting...  instead of focusing on my own personal heart's desires,  I want, I want, I want...  Seriously how many times can I ask?  -we bought a house with a back yard, close to schools and parks, a BIG car - (then sold said car), we have an entire nursery set-  all for this baby- we are ready- they already have life insurance-  Yes, like I said, we are ready.

But what if... what if, we took the energy that we are putting into hoping and praying for a baby of our own and we gave it... what if we gave to others who are already here... what if we gave our hearts, our finances and our love to others. To children who are struggling to survive, who need to be loved, whose hearts are here... what if?

I began to cry, I knew, I knew this was what God had for us at this moment...  to just let go ... to trust and to give...

And so the journey begins...

Here is the ( very! ) rough plan:

  • Duy and I will be going to work in an orphanage some time next year. We have not decided on when, or how long, but we know that we will be going. 

  • We are in conversation with a Children's village that has opened its hearts to us...

  • This is a huge step for me, because I have always felt if I ever get to Africa, I will never return.  Although this trip will be short term- 4 weeks most likely, we do not know what the future will hold.   ( I am a married to a practical, dependable, honourable man, so he will honour the tickets on the return date, and because I love him so much and would follow him to the ends of the earth, I to will return! rest assured mom- I promise!)

  • So far the plans are in the infant stages, we have zeroed in on Uganda (but this is not set in stone). Did you know there are over 60,000 orphans in Uganda and the average age is 15. One-Five. (whoa!)

So I want to invite you on this journey of ours... this journey to follow God's heart,  to love his people...

All donations that come in through the Blog are now allocated to this journey. Please consider giving. All proceeds from my art work, everything sold on Etsy, and pretty much everything my hands touch will be allocated to this journey.  I thank you in advance for partnering with us, you will hear lots about this journey along the way- Please Pray for us as we begin preparing our hearts and our minds for this incredible opportunity! Who knows where this may lead us in the future... who knows...

Share the love,

LostBumblebee ©2014 Live Your Life on Purpose 2015

Monday, June 16, 2014

40 in 40. Freeing Up Space in our Homes and in our Hearts!

LostBumblebee ©2014 The 40 bags challenge

I was asked to participate in a "40 Bags in 40 Days" project by creating some printables to encourage simplicity, downsizing and well, just plain good sense! I was in! Mostly because I love to design, but in reality more because I have 40 places in my house that need a serious clean up, can you say storage room, art supply closet, front hall, book shelf, junk drawer x 12 ( I think I have one in every room of the house!), winter clothes... etc. I can come up with 40 places in probably 40 seconds.

How about you? are you overwhelmed with a little too much clutter? Do you need a little encouragement to get down and dirty while cleaning up and freeing up breathing room in both your house and your heart? Come along on this journey with us...

Here is a note from Katie about 40 in 40:
I first stumbled up the 40 Bags Challenge a few years ago on Pinterest. The idea is simple - choose 40 spaces in your home and try to get rid of (at least) 40 bags of unwanted stuff. It seemed to me like a good way to clean up my house and organize a few drawers so I decided to give it a try. I quickly realized 40 Bags is much more than a quick, surface fix. As I worked through my spaces, I was forced to take a deeper look at the things we hold on to and ask myself why we surround ourselves with so much stuff. I was motivated to purge, edit, and give away the things we don't really need. In the process, I learned we really can live with less and, more importantly, rediscovered the freedom found in simplicity. The last time I worked through this challenge, it was during the season of Lent, so the 40 spaces corresponded with 40 days. This time around, some friends and I are taking the entire summer (about 12 weeks) to work through our lists at a slower, but still intentional, pace. If you're inspired to find out more, you can follow along on my blog. 
I can't wait to start! There is so much to do in my house... I need to just do it, and with an encouraging group of people who are working through their junk too- I'm encouraged to get it done!

Don't forget to head on over to Katie's blog and participate in this very exciting project... The Terpblog :)

Let's get rid of the clutter in our homes and hearts!
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LostBumblebee ©2014 Beautiful 40 in 40 - Free Printable - personal use only
LostBumblebee ©2014 Beautiful 40 in 40 - Free Printable - personal use only

LostBumblebee ©2014 Beautiful 40 in 40 - Free Printable - personal use only

LostBumblebee ©2014 Beautiful 40 in 40 - Free Printable - personal use only

LostBumblebee ©2014 Beautiful 40 in 40 - Free Printable - personal use only

LostBumblebee ©2014 Beautiful 40 in 40 - Free Printable - personal use only

LostBumblebee ©2014 Beautiful 40 in 40 - Free Printable - personal use only

LostBumblebee ©2014 Beautiful 40 in 40 - Free Printable - personal use only

LostBumblebee ©2014 Beautiful 40 in 40 - Free Printable - personal use only

LostBumblebee ©2014 Beautiful 40 in 40 - Free Printable - personal use only

LostBumblebee ©2014 Beautiful 40 in 40 - Free Printable - personal use only

LostBumblebee ©2014 Beautiful 40 in 40 - Free Printable - personal use only

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

More Coffee.

It's Tuesday, yesterday was a big day and last night was a late night, a 2am kinda late night. Oy!  So this rings true this morning; Nothing goes better with coffee than more coffee. period.

Happy Tuesday,
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LostBumblebee ©2014 More COFFEE - Free Printable- Personal use Only
LostBumblebee ©2014 More COFFEE - Free Printable- Personal use Only

LostBumblebee ©2014 More COFFEE - Free Printable- Personal use Only

Monday, June 9, 2014

In This Home... By Sarah Magill

This quote is on a beautiful peg board that my mom gave me- it sits in a place of honour in our home. I read it a lot. I try to live by it... the loud part, I have no problem with, the grace part is another story.

I wanted to share it with you. It was originally written by Sarah Magill for Hallmark- you can follow her on pinterest here. She is a talented and inspired woman- be inspired.

Share the love,

LostBumblebee ©2014 Sarah Magill Quote: In this Home- Free printable. Personal use only.
LostBumblebee ©2014 Sarah Magill Quote: In this Home- Free printable. Personal use only.

LostBumblebee ©2014 Sarah Magill Quote: In this Home- Free printable. Personal use only.


Thanks for stopping by and spending a little time getting to know a teeny tiny bit about me. I hope you're enjoying the free printables and the tidbits of inspiration along the way.

Just a little reminder: *Please note all free printables and images are free for Personal Use.

They may not be used for resale or commercial use without written permission. >> If you are using these images on your website or your blog you must link back to

Please visit our INFO page.

Thank you :)


All LostBumblebee® Prints ©2009-2019 Melissa Dawn Baker Nguyen (Basically to Infinity and Beyond)

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