Friday, May 9, 2014

My Mom.

So Moms, they know everything right?
The older you get the more you know this is true.

I was talking to my mom about life, how I am feeling about babies (and the lack there of in our little family life), and she said out of the blue;

"Miss, do you think you have a pride issue... maybe you are telling God what you think is best instead of thanking Him for the things you have, instead of trusting that his plan and his timing are perfect..."

Ten years ago, this would have been the beginning of a world war, now, not so much... my heart has issues- sometimes I do think I know what is best, sometimes I forget to trust God with my life, my family and my heart... She was right.  Mom was right. Mom is often right. When you have a mom who trusts God with everything, a Mom who spends countless hours on her knees praying for you, a Mom who would give anything for you... When she speaks, you listen, your heart perks up, because she not only speaks the truth of experience, she speaks God's heart... and she speaks to my heart.

Mom, I love you. This account happened today- the fact that it was just in time for Mother's day is serendipitous, not planned and not orchestrated.... but timed perfectly by my heavenly Father in whom I must place all my trust, because His ways are perfect, His plan is perfect...

I feel like I am starting my gratitude journey all over again, I got lost somewhere along the way... but I know how to get back home, I know who to trust, and I know who to thank...

Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7)

This is where I'm at today ... Where are you? How are you doing? 

Share the love,

A few more reminders that Gratitude is the right attitude :) 

My Mom's Favourite of my Prints: Gratitude! (she even gave this one to her doctor... as a reminder that Gratitude turns what you have into enough!)
Start each day with a grateful heart:
Count your blessings: 

LostBumblebee ©2014 My Mom - Bible - #freeprintable - personal use only
LostBumblebee ©2014 My Mom - Bible - #freeprintable - personal use only

LostBumblebee ©2014 My Mom - Bible - #freeprintable - personal use only

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