Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Big Kahuna !

I know myself pretty well, and I am a list maker. But if I have a list that looks impossible to finish, I get myself overwhelmed and then my 'go to' is to take a nap, leave the house, or curl up on the couch and pout. So when I found a to do list that made sense to me, I wanted to share it.

I like to tackle 1 Big Kahuna a day, 3 kinda big things, and 5 little things. I can organize my entire week by printing off bunch of these and dating them accordingly:

1 Big Kahuna:
- A Blog Post
- A new graphic design project
- etc.

3 Kinda Big things:
- invoice clients
-finish a project
-organize the office
-meet a client
-teach a class

5 Little things:
- go get the mail
- make supper
- load and unload the dishwasher, do a load of laundry, etc.
- finish reading that article I started last week
- clean the bathroom

Disclaimer: Sometimes my 1 Big Kahuna is to take a nap without feeling guilty :) 

Because you have helped me so much in my journey of creativity,  I wanted to say thank you by sharing this, I hope it helps you get organized as much as it has helped me!

Share the love,

-I'm not sure which one will print better on your home printer, so I've attached both RGB and a CMYK colour sheets :)

LostBumblebee ©2014 To Do List FREE PRINTABLE
CMYK 8.5x11

LostBumblebee ©2014 To Do List FREE PRINTABLE
RGB 8.5x11

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