Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Countdown is On!

A little something sparkly to ring in the New Year! How about we count down in style.

How do you celebrate the new year? What are your traditions?
Do you do resolutions?

The Mr. and I usually ring in the new year peacefully at home, watching a movie, relaxing, talking about the past year and the amazing things the new year will bring, and trying to stay awake until midnight. This new year 2014, is full of different. Things we've never done before, places we've never been before and people we have never met before.

It is a scary turnover- but also a very exciting turn over. My words again for 2014 will be gratitude and thanksgiving. I will be thankful in all things- even the stuff I don't understand. My heart was so full in 2013, I know it had to do with the perspective of gratitude in all things. My New Years resolution is simple- you can find it here. This will be printed and hung in my office to remind me daily.

I am looking forward to the New Year. The countdown is on!

Share the love,

Looking for more New Year Prints check these out: Auld Lang SyneMy Resolution!The Best is Yet to Come!,  CELEBRATE! , and  My Simple New Years Wish for You! (<<- my personal favourite!)

LostBumblebee ©2013 Happy New Year Free Printable

LostBumblebee ©2013 Happy New Year Free Printable

LostBumblebee ©2013 Happy New Year Free Printable

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