Tuesday, November 5, 2013

When Creatives Collide they Create Collaborations Like this One.

A beautiful collaboration with Leslie McEathron :) Scroll down for your free Print of this incredible poem.

We are never left alone to grieve
He sorrows when we sorrow
The night that seems to have no end
Becomes a new tomorrow.

Leslie McEathron: a poet, writer, teacher, lover of coffee, lover of God.

Born and raised in Ontario by two, hard working parents with 8 kids couldn't have been an easy ride. But what it produced in her is nothing short of amazing. She is a free spirited woman who deeply values creativity and moments spent alone in quiet mediation and reflection on the greater source, God.

I asked Leslie a few questions:

How long have you been writing?
I've been writing, dang near all my life ~ but really got into it in a serious way about maybe 20 years ago.
What does the perfect Saturday morning look like to you?
Saturday morning in the summer I like to get up, take a coffee out on the deck and read, write, meditate, chillax! Saturday in the winter, same thing pretty much except I trade in the deck for my favorite chair and the fireplace!
And of course, Coffee or Tea?
... coffee, of course.

Oh yes, and she just happens to be my Aunt, so caffeine and creativity run pretty deep in these veins. I couldn't think of a better person with whom to collaborate. She wrote the words, I made them beautiful to look at!

Enjoy this beautiful poem!
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LostBumblebee 2013 - Collaboration with Leslie McEathron - poem          
LostBumblebee 2013 - Collaboration with Leslie McEathron - poem
LostBumblebee 2013 - Collaboration with Leslie McEathron - poem

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