Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Give the World the Best You Have, ANYWAY.

I sent out a message on Facebook the other day asking for ideas / quotes / poetry that you'd like to see in print. Lindsay of  Lindsay's Kitchen Workshop sent in her favourite poem, "The Paradoxical Commandments" by Dr. Kent M. Keith.

I had never heard this poem before, but I am officially in love. This is how I want to live my life.  In essence, isn't this how the greatest revolutionary of all times -Jesus, lived His life? I want to be like Him.  I want to live in the- Do it anyway place. What about you?

I couldn't keep it to myself, had to share it! If you haven't read this poem, take a moment to read it, it has the power to change your life! So spread some joy and encourage someone today! Come on, you know you want too :)

Share the love!

LostBumblebee 2013 Dr. Kent M. Keith- THE PARADOXICAL COMMANDMENTS
LostBumblebee 2013 Dr. Kent M. Keith- THE PARADOXICAL COMMANDMENTS

LostBumblebee 2013 Dr. Kent M. Keith- THE PARADOXICAL COMMANDMENTS
LostBumblebee 2013 Dr. Kent M. Keith- THE PARADOXICAL COMMANDMENTS
LostBumblebee 2013 Dr. Kent M. Keith- THE PARADOXICAL COMMANDMENTS

LostBumblebee 2013 Dr. Kent M. Keith- THE PARADOXICAL COMMANDMENTS


  1. Dear M, I love the poem too and I've seemed the author's permission to print it for my workshop participants. I can't help but notice you've done a great job with the design and layout so I'll like seek your permission to use your beautiful design for my workshop. May I have your permission please?

    Linda Lam

  2. Once again, thanks for sharing your beautiful work. So generous of you :-)
