Friday, February 8, 2013

Circles of Grace.

UPDATE: For all of you who gave, thank you so much! We can accomplish so much just by giving a little and sharing the love. WE (you & I) raised our portion to build a well in Burundi! Thank you thank you thank you! <3

Today I had the opportunity to read an amazing article about life in Bubanza. 

It definitely made an impact on my heart and I have decided that I want to start a Circle of Grace!

What's that, you ask??

It's simple...I'm looking for 9 friends to join me in helping to build a well in the town of Bubanza. For $10 each, we can join together with other "Circles of Grace" to provide a fresh water well for a community in Burundi.

Check out the full article here: Circles of Grace

By just 9 of us making a small donation of $10- we can help change the world.

Wanna be in my circle? Want to change the world? Let's do this!

Donation are made right on the article page, as you read down you will see a button click it and donate via Paypal. Uber simple!

Leave a comment below if you have decided to join or start your own Circle of Grace!

Share the Love,

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