Monday, May 21, 2012

Long Weekend Babble...

Long weekend. What does that mean to you? Time off to play, hang out, read that book, mow the lawn, dig up the garden, beer? Yup, yup and yup, to all of the above...and more.

The more on my end includes work. I think I ought to change the name of what I do,  from work to creating, because I really don’t consider what I do work. I mean yes, it pays the bills, so technically it is work. But I love it so much I want to do it all the time. It is kind of ridiculous.  I’m not sure there is an off button for the creatives...
Have you found your off button? Because if you have, please, tell me where it’s located so that I too might be able to stay away from work (my addiction/passion). 

On that note, fellow Canucks, I sure hope you are having an amazing weekend! Light the fire, grab a beer- three cheers for Queen Victoria :) 

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