Monday, August 25, 2014


It's kinda crazy around here... I just got home, now I'm preparing to jump on a plane again... 
This year I've travelled by Train, Plane, Automobile and Boat... all I need is a donkey and my repertoire of travel methods will be full !

It has been a whirlwind, and it continues to be...  2015 may or may not settle down, and I may or may not be excited about it either way- full of travel, or full of home time, I can't decide yet. But I do know that my heart and mind are open to both...

Wanderlust : is a strong desire for or impulse to wander or travel and explore the world. 
Usually my wanderlust keeps me wandering around my back field imagining it full of cows. I used to do this when I was little and I still find myself daydreaming about it now :)

So this one is for all of you who desire to see the world, or who just wander around your back field- or for those of you who just let your mind wander... 

Share the love,

LostBumblebee ©2014 Wanderlust Free Printable Personal Use Only.

LostBumblebee ©2014 Wanderlust Free Printable Personal Use Only.

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