Saturday, June 28, 2014

So, You like to Sew?

LostBumblebee ©2014 Sprouting Jube Jube Collection  Web Header- free printables- free for personal use only

Have I got a treat for you. I am a dabbler in the needle and thread life, I see something, decided I'd like it, try to make it, never wear it because it has crooked seams and I am always afraid if I bend over while wearing something I've made that all of my seams will fall open and I will be left bare naked.  (longest run on sentence ever. check.)

I know... I know, this is the same reason I don't ski. I'm scared half to death, I'll fall off of the mountain. Not just the 3 1/2 feet from my butt to the snow, but off of the entire mountain. Like projectile fall off the mountain. Apparently my imagination gets the best of me sometimes, but I digress...

This week,  I had the opportunity to work with Deborah from Sprouting Jube Jube to create a sweet little line of sewing printables. A collection of five free 8x10 printables for you to choose from that will add some fun to your sewing room.

I hope you love the Sprouting Jube Jube Collection we've come up with! If you are a seamstress or a tailor of any sort, you should head on over to Deborah's blog and see the amazing stuff she is working on!

Sew on! and
Share the love,

LostBumblebee ©2014 Sprouting Jube Jube Collection Free Printables Personal use only
LostBumblebee ©2014 Sprouting Jube Jube Collection Free Printables Personal use only

LostBumblebee ©2014 Sprouting Jube Jube Collection Free Printables Personal use only

LostBumblebee ©2014 Sprouting Jube Jube Collection Free Printables Personal use only

LostBumblebee ©2014 Sprouting Jube Jube Collection Free Printables Personal use only


  1. Thanks for designing something so perfect for my sewing room :) Love what you did!
